Whiskers and Wags Veterinary Clinic focuses on diagnosing and treating diseases of the body’s internal systems such as the gastrointestinal tract, liver and endocrine system, respiratory and urinary systems, and blood and lymphatic systems. As in people, a great number of medical disorders can affect our pets, including infection, immune disorders, and cancer. Most diseases are diagnosed by using a combination of careful history-taking, detailed physical examination, and specific diagnostic testing. Our team at WNW with help of Board-certified internists have an extensive and up-to-date knowledge base that aids in diagnosing and treating complex medical cases.
Our veterinarian may use a number of diagnostic tools including:
Ultrasonography – Thoracic and abdominal
Endoscopy – Upper and lower gastrointestinal, bronchoscopy, rhinoscopy, cystoscopy and vaginoscopy
X-ray imaging and advanced CT and MRI imaging
Blood pressure evaluation and ECG assessment
Biopsy procedures Ultrasound guided or open surgery
Cancer diagnosis and staging
If you think your pet might benefit from specialized veterinary care, please discuss possible referral with your regular veterinarian. The team works closely with your regular veterinarian in developing a plan for ongoing care for your pet. In addition, our entire team of specialists routinely collaborates on challenging cases to ensure the most comprehensive care.